Vomiting is an uncontrollable reflux of gastric contents through the esophagus to out of the mounth. Vomiting commonly occurs in infants due to incomplete growth of digestive system, transverse position of stomach while diet mostly includes liquid milk . Vomiting will be gradually improved as a baby gets older and normally accomplished at 12 months of age. This explains why vomiting is more common in infants under 1 year old compared to older ones. Appropriate intervention is required in severe or pathological vomiting so as to avoid dehydration, loss of appetite, malnutrition, wheezing,…..
There are two causes of vomiting in infants:
► Physiological vomiting: Vomiting triggered by transverse gastric position in infants, incomplete digestive system , weak cardiac muscle. Physiological vomiting is automatically self- recovered as infants get 12-18 months of age. Digestive disorders, cough, persistent crying are possible causes. In fact, a main reason of vomiting is improper care in infants such as:
- Excessive feeding, oversupply of breastmilk.
- Breastfeeding is provided in incorrect position or improper bottle- feeding causes excessive air swallowing into the stomach resulting in vomiting.
- Baby is put down right after full feeding, nappies or umbilical braces are wrapped too tight..
- Feeding of foods causing abdominal bloating, distension
► Pathological vomiting:
- Some pathologies of vomiting in infants:
- Intolerance/ allergy to cow’s milk.
- Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) with or without esophagitis.
- Congenital malformations of gastrointestinal tract.
What can be done to control vomting in babies?
- When vomiting occurs, parents immediately lean a baby’s head to one side to avoid choking then quickly clean up or absorb vomit remained inside the baby’s mouth, throat and nose by wrapping gauzes on the fingers. Lifting baby up is not absolutely allowed while vomiting due to increasing the risk of vomit aspiration into the baby’s lung which is very dangerous.
- Do not shout or show angry which cause disconcertment and crying in infants leading to more severe vomiting.
- Appease a baby to fall asleep because the baby’s stomach is empty during this time to help a baby feels more comfortable. Parents absolutely do not give any antiemetic without doctor’s permission.
Tips for parents to improve postprandial vomiting in infants:
- Keep the baby’s head higher than his/her leg while feeding and carful burping applied after feeding finished.
- Meals divided in small dishes and feeding in several times.
- Keep your baby upright after feeding, holding a baby is preferable because sitting on a infant chair may result in easier vomiting.
- Do not rock, swing or proactively play with babies immediately after feeding.
- Elevate the top of crib or basinet. Roll up a few small hand towels or blankets and put under (not on top) the mattress but no pillows support under baby’s head. Make sure the mattress is not folded in the middle with mild gradient to avoid baby’s slip down.
Pediatrics – Neonatology, AIH Clinic provide in full of pediatric medical services, including: general health check-up, vaccination, monitoring children’s physical and mental developments, nutrition consultation, diagnostic and therapeutic services.
Consultation And Appointment
Hotline: 028.3910.9888
Register for the exam by email: info-clinic@aih.com.vn
Website: aihclinic.vn
Or go directly to AIH Clinic: No. 79, Dien Bien Phu, DaKao Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam